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Uses of an Air Mattress | How to choose best one?

If you plan to fall asleep in a luxury bed, it is likely that the image that comes to mind does not involve an air mattress. In fact, for many people, the opposite may be true, and the idea of sleeping in a temporary air mattress can cause feelings of fear.

But an air mattress does not have to be uncomfortable or inconvenient. While it is true that air mattresses can not offer all the characteristics of a normal mattress, this does not mean that you are relegated to a horrible night's sleep. In fact, in recent years, the quality of air mattresses has increased, and now they are easier to use and more comfortable than ever.

In this guide, we will present our selections for the 5 best air mattresses. We will cover the main uses of an air mattress, the key things you should look for when buying one, and tips to keep them in the best possible condition.
What are the uses of an air mattress?
When you are buying an air mattress, you should not look for a mattress for daily use. Instead, its use should be more temporary, as in some of the situations described below. It is helpful to think about how you are most likely to use your air mattress because, as described in the following sections, this can directly affect the air mattress that may be most appropriate for you.

Household guests
Unless you have a lot of space in your home or receive frequent visits, it often makes no sense to maintain a full room equipped with a bed only for guests. Because they can be easily stored in a closet, an air mattress allows you to accommodate guests with more comfort than simply offering a sofa or floor.

If your air mattress will be used primarily to host guests, consider these factors when you buy:

Comfort: try to provide the best possible sleep experience for your guests. You would like the same when you stay with friends or family, so it definitely prioritizes comfort.
Size: Make sure you know the dimensions of the area where you plan to place the air mattress. The air mattress should fit easily and have some space around. Remember that your guests will need space for their personal items and enough space to get in and out of bed safely. If in doubt, measure because buying the wrong size could be a frustrating experience for you and your guests.
Height: a higher air mattress is much easier to enter and exit and, usually, offers a better experience for your guests.
Who are your guests ?: If you expect that most of the people who will stay with you are couples, then a double air mattress will not cut it. Look for a full or queen size air mattress, assuming you have enough space to inflate it in your home.


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